
Stroke Support

We offer a range of resources to support stroke survivors and their loved ones.

Online Stroke Support Group

An online stroke support group is available if you’re unable to attend our in-person support group meetings or simply prefer the comfort of your own home.

You may attend the stroke support group from a computer or mobile device by joining here:

Baptist Health Stroke Support Group

Baptist Health Community Outreach Building

10117 Kanis Road

Little Rock, AR

Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. 

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 470-241-4690‬ PIN: ‪884 318 175‬#

Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance

Food Assistance

Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance

Pace Older woman

Help at Home


Baptist Health PACE provides and coordinates all the medical care –– including home care, therapies, transportation, and other services –with the focus of keeping loved ones in their own homes

Are you a caregiver of a stroke survivor? 

Find a list of resources below: 

3500 Springhill Drive

North Little Rock, AR 72117


Baptist Health PACE provides and coordinates all the medical care –– including home care, therapies, transportation, and other services –with the focus of keeping loved ones in their own homes

    • Arkansas association of area agencies on aging

Assistive Devices

  • ICAN
  • Goodwill

National Resources

  • List existing resources already on website