Visiting a Patient at Baptist Health

Baptist Health Visitor Information to Help Simplify “Stopping By”

Visiting a patient at Baptist Health? Plan your trip here – from when you’ll go to where you’ll park to what you’ll eat while you’re there. Baptist Health offers a host of amenities to make patients, families and visitors comfortable during their stay or visit. 

Know the Visiting Hours Before Visiting a Patient at Baptist Health

The best time to see a friend or family member in the hospital depends on the Baptist Health location and unit your loved one is staying in. Find out the visiting hours for the location you plan to visit.


All Baptist Health Medical Centers have designated parking for both patients and visitors. Find out the best place for you to park during your time at Baptist Health.

Complimentary WiFi

Baptist Health Medical Centers offer free WiFi to patients and visitors. Simply connect to the network below to log in.

Network: BHguest

Service Animals

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service animal is defined as an animal that has been specifically trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. For more information regarding service animals click here.

Email a Patient

Send a pick-me-up to a friend or family member staying at Baptist Health through our Email a Patient service. Simply choose a card from an array of messages, and one of our volunteers will print and deliver the card to them.

Gift Shop Locations

Pick up a gift for a friend or family member on your way to visit them from any of the conveniently-located gift shops within our Baptist Health Medical Centers. You can also find a Tipton & Hurst florist in Medical Tower 1.

Dining Options

From cafeteria-style meals to delis to coffee shops, Baptist Health Medical Centers offer visitors an array of dining options to keep you nourished during your visit. Find dining options at our Baptist Health facilities below.