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3 Lesiones Comunes que Se Ven en los Corredores

Correr puede ser una excelente actividad para bajar la presión arterial y mejorar la salud mental y del corazón. Ya sea que sea nuevo en el mundo de las carreras o sea un corredor experimentado, varias lesiones comunes pueden impedir que disfrute de su carrera. Las tres lesiones más comunes son la rodilla de corredor, los calambres en las piernas y la fascitis plantar.

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3 Common Injuries Seen in Runners

Running can be an excellent activity for lowering blood pressure and improving heart and mental health. Whether you are new to running or an experienced runner, several common running injuries may keep you from enjoying your run. The three most common injuries are Runner’s Knee, shin splints, and plantar fasciitis.

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5 Trendy Forms of Indoor Fitness

Extreme weather doesn’t have to put an end to your fitness routine, even if the treadmill or stair-stepper seems boring compared with jogging or riding your bike outside. What’s important is to ask yourself: How can I make exercise different to make it more motivating? If you’re seeking an answer, you may want to consider these five indoor fitness options, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) says. Some build on familiar activities, but others may be new to you. Always keep some variety in your exercise routines, to prevent boredom and drop out. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, be sure to check with your health care provider before beginning a new exercise routine.


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Running and Your Heart: How to Stay Healthy While Doing What You Love

Whether you’re an avid marathon runner or an occasional jogger, running is a great way to stay healthy and fit. But did you know that running can do more than improve your physical fitness? It can also have a profound impact on the health of your heart. Let’s explore how regular running affects your cardiovascular system. 

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