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BHealthy Blog

Dorris Fothergil

When she’s not enjoying herself on the dance floor or the golf course, active 69-year-old Dorris Fothergil is busy working in her hair salon.

Already beating the odds as a breast cancer survivor, Dorris’s doctors unfortunately discovered a brain tumor during one of her follow up scans. They diagnosed Dorris with a meningioma, a tumor that forms on the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord just inside the skull.

Often, meningiomas cause no symptoms and require no immediate treatment but the growth of benign meningiomas can cause serious problems. In some cases, such growth can be fatal.

Dr. Tim Burson, neurosurgeon with Baptist Health, recommended that the growth be monitored for a period of time but after watching it for four years, the time came to remove the tumor before it could cause permanent damage.

After undergoing a successful surgery, Dorris’s tumor was removed and her doctors confirmed that it was benign.

When Dorris awoke, she had virtually no pain and no apparent effects from the surgery. And after a short stay in intensive care, Dorris was on the road to recovery and back to styling hair, swinging her club and waltzing with friends.

Keep on caring. Keep on dancing. #KeepOnAmazing